Upcoming Events

Lenten Mission Week

Got Prayer? Getting real with the Trinity.

March 10th, 11th, & 12th from 7:00-8:30 pm

St. Thomas More Church

126 Fort Couch Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15241

No Cost


  • The “Our Father” – it doesn’t get any better than this.
  • Taking a deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer.


  • Sitting at the feet of Jesus – “Mary has chosen the better part” Lk 10:42
  • If it’s not in your schedule, it didn’t happen.


  • The Holy Spirit is alive and well – but sometimes feels like a third wheel.
  • You received Him in Baptism and His gifts at Confirmation, but has He been dormant since then?
Mission Week Graphic

Organizer: Tom Kneier

Curent Prayer Intention

Most Holy Trinity, we soon begin the Lenten Season desiring to know you more clearly, love you more fully, and serve you more readily. Stir up the hearts of our lay faithful to hunger for a deeper relationship with each Person of the Trinity, and especially the One to whom they feel most distant. Mother Mary we ask your intercession in the spiritual battle for souls, that Satan’s strategy would be thwarted so that the truth about the power of prayer would be proclaimed and embraced during the Mission Week, and many more lay men and women would AWAKE & PRAY to join the people of the remnant. Amen.