Happy Anniversary

Today Madeline and I celebrate our wedding anniversary.  In her honor I share with you two songs.  The first one is a rewrite of a song I composed for her earlier in our marriage and needs no explanation.  The second one is a cover of a song by James Taylor that captures well the heart of my relationship with her since my semi-retirement and the increased time together during the pandemic.  Especially on the refrain I think you’ll see why.

My good friend, Ray Niccolai, supplied the guitar on both songs, and the bass on What More.  He’s a master musician who also plays mandolin, electric guitar, and probably any instrument that has strings. I’m deeply grateful for his contribution.

And so to my college sweetheart – Happy Anniversary with all of my love.

Happy Anniversary AUDIO
What More?
Something in the Way She Moves

Reader Comments

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your wife and the life you share. Brought tears to my eyes. Happy Anniversary.

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