
A Christmas Gift from Dr. Seuss

A Christmas Gift from Dr. Seuss AUDIO

Remember Wacky Wednesday – a book by Dr. Seuss? A story where chaos is on the loose? Every page has pictures with things reversed. Order is banished and logic is cursed.

A worm chasing a bird, a mouse chasing a cat“, and the Z before Y in the alpha-bat. It’s a fictional book for kids, it’s true. But Christmas for real is now crazy, too!

Jesus is the reason for the season, we’re told. But it seems that for most, He’s left out in the cold.

The miracle of God becoming a Child, is now just ignored or mentally filed.

Decorations, Christmas music, festive parties galore. Buying gifts online now instead of a store.

The Christmas season more than six weeks long, ends on Christmas day, doesn’t that seem wrong?

I’ll now stop channeling my inner Dr. Seuss. For making my point, it no longer has use.


Sheer Grace

Sheer Grace AUDIO

It was early December.  Christmas was still over three weeks away.  “I need stamps with a Nativity scene, please,” I said to the postal worker I faced through the plexiglass COVID barrier.  “We’re sold out of those.  I’m sorry,” was her unconvincing apology.  I offered that any religious Christmas scene would be fine. It received the same response.  I left the building with a sheet of sea otters frolicking in the snow and icy water which was described to me as a Christmas seasonal stamp. I would like to think this shortage was the result of an overwhelming demand for religious stamps that exceeded the abundant supply.  Forgive my doubt.

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