My new take on WWJD: What Would Joseph Do? I haven’t created a new wristband or anything. It’s just that
My new take on WWJD: What Would Joseph Do? I haven’t created a new wristband or anything. It’s just that
Memory loss is a tragic condition. My 94 year old mother’s amnesia is a product of her Alzheimer’s Disease. She
Bill Murray in the 1993 film, Groundhog Day. “In the Lord’s eyes, one day is as a thousand years, and
On the occasion of my fiftieth birthday, I took a cue from Andy Rooney, famous writer, humorist, and commentator on
One of my sons lives in Seattle with his wife and three children. On a recent phone call with his
Most Holy Trinity, during this Lenten Season we desire to know you more clearly, love you more fully, and serve you more readily. Stir up in our hearts a hunger for a deeper personal relationship with You – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Mother Mary we ask your intercession in the spiritual battle for souls that Satan’s strategy would be thwarted, so that the truth about the power of prayer would be proclaimed and embraced, and many more lay men and women would AWAKE & PRAY to join the people of the remnant. Amen.