Month: October 2020

An Opus For God

An Opus For God audio
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

In recognition of Down Syndrome Awareness month in October, I’m reprinting a modified version of an article I wrote some 18 years ago that appeared in a couple of websites. Maybe it will be the catalyst to penning a follow up story in the remaining months of 2020.

Although it was her 44th birthday, my wife is the one who came home from her doctor visit with a surprise for me.  Madeline was pregnant.  I stifled the question “How is that possible?” as it tried to force itself past my lips.  After six children, I guess I knew pretty well. 

Our youngest was then nine years old.  Each milestone he passed had given us a growing sense of freedom: last one out of diapers, last to tie his shoes, ride a bike, learn to swim, go to school.  We had already negotiated our mid-life passage without the proverbial crises.  Madeline pierced another hole in her ears for a second set of earrings.  I started wearing contact lenses because she told me it made me look younger.  We were more than ready for a new and exciting chapter in our life.  But we weren’t ready for this.

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The Race to Last Place

Where’s the competition?
The Race To Last Place audio

The infectious disease experts around the world are currently racing to be the first to find a vaccine for COVID-19.  When I was growing up in the sixties, the primary players in the Eastern and Western blocs of the Cold War were racing to be the first to land a man on the moon.  Every two years athletes from around the globe compete in the Olympic Games to bring home a coveted gold medal.  We seem to be a planet populated by people with an innate drive to be numero uno

From the earliest age, we even urge our children to approach education as a competition.  To be at the top of the class in order to get into the best university, in order to be offered the best job, in order to make the most money, in order to have the best possessions, in order to achieve the highest social status. 

One can’t help but notice that there’s very little traffic headed in the opposite direction in any walk of life – a race for last place.  Yet that is precisely the thrust of the teachings and actions of Jesus of Nazareth.

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What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name? audio

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

William Shakespeare

“What’s in a name?” quoth the hero in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.  And verily what doth it mean to speak in the name of another? I am delighted thou wouldst ask.

Christians the world over dare to pray in God’s name.  In the name of Jesus…; In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The words begin and end so many prayers.  But are they so formulaic that the full meaning is lost on the lips of the speaker?  What’s in a name, indeed?

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