Month: August 2021

Happy Anniversary

Today Madeline and I celebrate our wedding anniversary.  In her honor I share with you two songs.  The first one is a rewrite of a song I composed for her earlier in our marriage and needs no explanation.  The second one is a cover of a song by James Taylor that captures well the heart of my relationship with her since my semi-retirement and the increased time together during the pandemic.  Especially on the refrain I think you’ll see why.

My good friend, Ray Niccolai, supplied the guitar on both songs, and the bass on What More.  He’s a master musician who also plays mandolin, electric guitar, and probably any instrument that has strings. I’m deeply grateful for his contribution.

And so to my college sweetheart – Happy Anniversary with all of my love.

Happy Anniversary AUDIO
What More?
Something in the Way She Moves

Do You Know Your ABCs?

Alphabet Soup
Do You Know Your ABCs – Audio

A is for Anxiety.  B is for Biles.  C is for Control.  The 2021 Olympic torch has been extinguished, but the mental health debate is heating up – again.  When Simone Biles withdrew from various gymnastics events, she cited “the twisties”.  Previously known by the average American as the wiry item that is used to tie up a bread wrapper, we learned that it also describes a mind-body disconnect for a gymnast in mid-air.  

In a July 28th article by Emily Giambalvo, we are told that “after experiencing the twisties, it’s very difficult to forget.  Instinct gets replaced by thought.  Thought quickly leads to worry.  Worry is very difficult to escape.”  Many of my clients would recognize that rather rudimentary description immediately – the ones who suffer from anxiety disorders.  As a mental health therapist, I help them to identify, understand, manage, and cope with the various forms of disabling anxiety.  But during this protracted pandemic, more and more of us are suffering from debilitating anxiety – a non-athletic version of the twisties.

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