
An Opus For God

An Opus For God audio
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

In recognition of Down Syndrome Awareness month in October, I’m reprinting a modified version of an article I wrote some 18 years ago that appeared in a couple of websites. Maybe it will be the catalyst to penning a follow up story in the remaining months of 2020.

Although it was her 44th birthday, my wife is the one who came home from her doctor visit with a surprise for me.  Madeline was pregnant.  I stifled the question “How is that possible?” as it tried to force itself past my lips.  After six children, I guess I knew pretty well. 

Our youngest was then nine years old.  Each milestone he passed had given us a growing sense of freedom: last one out of diapers, last to tie his shoes, ride a bike, learn to swim, go to school.  We had already negotiated our mid-life passage without the proverbial crises.  Madeline pierced another hole in her ears for a second set of earrings.  I started wearing contact lenses because she told me it made me look younger.  We were more than ready for a new and exciting chapter in our life.  But we weren’t ready for this.


The Race to Last Place

Where’s the competition?
The Race To Last Place audio

The infectious disease experts around the world are currently racing to be the first to find a vaccine for COVID-19.  When I was growing up in the sixties, the primary players in the Eastern and Western blocs of the Cold War were racing to be the first to land a man on the moon.  Every two years athletes from around the globe compete in the Olympic Games to bring home a coveted gold medal.  We seem to be a planet populated by people with an innate drive to be numero uno

From the earliest age, we even urge our children to approach education as a competition.  To be at the top of the class in order to get into the best university, in order to be offered the best job, in order to make the most money, in order to have the best possessions, in order to achieve the highest social status. 

One can’t help but notice that there’s very little traffic headed in the opposite direction in any walk of life – a race for last place.  Yet that is precisely the thrust of the teachings and actions of Jesus of Nazareth.


What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name? audio

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

William Shakespeare

“What’s in a name?” quoth the hero in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.  And verily what doth it mean to speak in the name of another? I am delighted thou wouldst ask.

Christians the world over dare to pray in God’s name.  In the name of Jesus…; In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The words begin and end so many prayers.  But are they so formulaic that the full meaning is lost on the lips of the speaker?  What’s in a name, indeed?


Groundhog Day (again)

Groundhog Day (again) audio

Bill Murray in the 1993 film, Groundhog Day.

“In the Lord’s eyes, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day.”

2 Peter 3:8

COVID-19 has created a hardscrabble daily life for almost all of us.  And for many, those days have begun to blend together in a kind of monopoly of monotony.  Some have said it’s like having the same day over and over again, as in the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray.  In that story, the main character finds himself in a kind of time warp where he wakes up every morning on February 2 and has to live that day again and again until he gets it right.  In the process, he is changed from an egotistical self-serving boor to a kind and compassionate town hero. That’s not a bad analogy for living the Christian life. Each day is a chance to be transformed to more fully reflect the person of Christ.


Lord, Send Us Out

Words & Music by Tom Kneier; acoustic guitar – Tom Kneier

The laborers are few but the harvest is plenty. We beg the Lord of the harvest to send us out, to send us out.

You send us out as lambs in the midst of wolves, to proclaim the kingdom of God to those who have ears to hear.

We offer You praise O Father, Lord of heaven and earth. For what You’ve hidden from the learned and wise, You’ve revealed to the merest children.

We must be ready, the time is short. Not one of us may stand idle. We must go out for the fields are ripe.

Daily Living

Fifty Things

Andy Rooney on the set of “60 Minutes”
Fifty Things audio

On the occasion of my fiftieth birthday, I took a cue from Andy Rooney, famous writer, humorist, and commentator on the CBS television program, 60 Minutes. As he did on his sixtieth birthday, I sat down to write fifty things I had learned during my fifty years on the planet. Dusting them off recently, I decided they contained truths worth sharing with you. The original source for a statement is noted when known; some are simply attributed to the proverbial “Unknown”. The rest are my own musings – unless, of course, they’re not.


Peace Beyond Understanding

Music by Tom Kneier; Arranged by Ray Niccolai; based on the Peace Prayer of St. Francis and Phil. 4:7

Lord make me an instrument of Your peace, peace beyond all understanding.

Where there is hatred let me sow love. And where there’s injury Your pardon Lord. Where there is doubt true faith. Where there’s despair let me bring hope. And where there’s darkness only light, and joy where there is sadness.

O Divine Master grant that I may not seek much to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born; born to eternal life.


The Emperor Has No Clothes (Again)

The Emperor Has No Clothes (Again) audio
The Emperor’s New Clothes – a tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Have you heard the latest ripple effect of Covid-19?  Cleveland Clinic is reporting a notable increase in cases of broken-heart syndrome – the colloquial name for stress cardiomyopathy.   It’s a dysfunction or failure in the heart muscle attributed to psychological, social, or emotional stress. Dr. Ankur Kalra, the cardiologist who led the study that published these conclusions in the Journal of the American Medical Association told in a phone interview that “This is going to be the crisis of our lifetime.”  It provides new insight into the impact of the pandemic beyond the illness itself, because none of the patients in the study tested positive for the coronavirus.  It’s as if the social isolation generated by prevention measures has itself become a plague.  


Probing the Pig Problem

Probing the Pig Problem audio

Admittedly, when the pandemic afforded me the opportunity to launch this blog, I aspired to lofty themes.  Topics that would stretch the mind and startle the heart with “looking at life and the world through a different lens.”  Now perhaps I’ve fallen victim to the trajectory of Covid-19 and its indifference to society’s outcry.  Maybe I’ve been dizzied by the thin air of the upper atmosphere where lofty thoughts reside.  Or it could just be that you’re about to encounter the bizarre space within my cranium.  Enter at your own risk.

From his Facebook page

No Gift Too Small

Words and Music by Tom Kneier & Ray Niccolai; Arrangement by Ray Niccolai.
Tom Kneier – Vocals; Ray Niccolai – acoustic guitar
Text and Music Copyright 2020 by Tom Kneier & Ray Niccolai

Come from afar to follow a star. Men of great wisdom bearing great gifts. Drawn by a single-hearted purpose, seeking a King to worship.

Led to Bethlehem by the star. Finding the Child they fell to their knees. Laying their gifts before the Babe, they gazed on the King of Kings.

Offer to Jesus all you have. Hold nothing back from your Savior. No gift is too small to give, when it’s given freely from the heart.

What do you have that you did not receive from God’s hand? What can you give that was not given you first? We are but earthen vessels holding the treasures of God.

So offer to Jesus all you have. Hold nothing back from your Savior. No gift is too small to give, when it’s given freely from the heart. When it’s given from your heart.

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