Tag: Heaven

The End of the Story

The End of the Story AUDIO

(Continued from the prior post entitled “The Rest of the Story. “)

One thing we are surely missing is sight.  Let me turn to Frank Sheed again for insight.

At least three times The New Testament uses the word in reference to life in heaven.

Jesus told his disciples that “angels in heaven constantly behold my heavenly Father’s face.” (Mt. 18: 10)  “Their seeing Him is a basic fact of their life there, as breathing is of ours here.” 4

The Apostle John tells us that “We shall see Him as He is.” (1 Jn. 3:2)

St. Paul contrasts it with our sight on earth.  “Now we see indistinctly, as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.” (1 Cor. 13: 12)

You can see (pun intended) why life in heaven is called the Beatific Vision – beholding the Trinitarian God in all his glory.  Now that is a sight to behold!

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The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story AUDIO

In the prior two posts, we’ve reflected on The Greatest Story Ever Told – salvation history.  The story of God’s rescue operation for humankind.  But we stopped at the Prologue, i.e., life on this earth and the transition towards an entirely different dimension of living.  As Paul Harvey famously said on his syndicated ABC radio show: “And now, the rest of the story”.

Every time we recite the Apostles Creed, we say that we believe “in life everlasting”.  Well, do you really?  In the Nicene Creed we profess to “look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.”  Are you truly looking forward to that?

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Are We There Yet?

By Tom Kneier

The International Space Station (I.S.S.)
Are We There Yet?

It was a beautiful letdown when I crashed and burned;

when I found myself alone, unknown, unheard.

It was a beautiful letdown the day I knew

That all the riches this world had to offer me would never do.

In a world full of bitter pain, bitter doubts,

I was trying so hard to fit in, fit in,

Until I found out, that I don’t belong here.

from the song, “The Beautiful letdown”, by switchfoot


An American astronaut named Scott Kelly currently holds the record for the longest continuous time in space – 340 days.  From March 28, 2015 to March 1, 2016, Kelly called the International Space Station his home.  In his book, Endurance, Kelly recounts those days in vivid detail. The length of the ship consisted of three American modules and two Russian.  The port and starboard were made up of three Russian modules and one each from Europe, Japan, and the United States.  It was the combined work of fifteen nations over an eighteen month period. 

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