
Use Your Judgment

Are you ready to be judged?
Use Your Judgment AUDIO

If you follow professional football, you know that Jon Gruden was abruptly forced to resign his position this week as the head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders.  During an investigation of another NFL team, a series of his 2011emails was discovered and leaked to The New York Times, describing them as racist, anti-gay, and misogynist.

I was on vacation with my wife and youngest son during the Supreme Court hearings for now Justice Brett Cavanaugh during which his college drinking days became the stuff of prime time television.

Years ago I remember my wife and I decluttering our attic storage when we came across some letters we had exchanged during our college dating years.  My eyes bulged as profanity on the pages startled me out of my nostalgic reminiscence.  That correspondence quickly accompanied me to the home office shredder for a hasty farewell. .

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