
At Your Father’s Side

At Your Father’s Side – Words and Music by Tom Kneier and Ray Niccolai; Arrangement by Ray Niccolai. Tom Kneier – lead vocal; Ray Niccolai – guitar and mandolin; Sarah Wildenhain – flute; Jan Macleod – vocal harmony. Text and Music (c) 2020 by Tom Kneier and Ray Niccolai.

At Your Father’s Side – Lyrics

Refrain: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Our lives are fleeting, so return to the Lord with all your heart.

One day is like a thousand years in your sight; a thousand years like a watch in the night.

We know not the day nor the hour that will be our last. It will come like a thief in the night when we least expect.

Run to Him, confess your sin, His arms are open wide. Receive the gift of tender mercy at your Father’s side.


Peace Beyond Understanding

Music by Tom Kneier; Arranged by Ray Niccolai; based on the Peace Prayer of St. Francis and Phil. 4:7

Lord make me an instrument of Your peace, peace beyond all understanding.

Where there is hatred let me sow love. And where there’s injury Your pardon Lord. Where there is doubt true faith. Where there’s despair let me bring hope. And where there’s darkness only light, and joy where there is sadness.

O Divine Master grant that I may not seek much to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born; born to eternal life.


No Gift Too Small

Words and Music by Tom Kneier & Ray Niccolai; Arrangement by Ray Niccolai.
Tom Kneier – Vocals; Ray Niccolai – acoustic guitar
Text and Music Copyright 2020 by Tom Kneier & Ray Niccolai

Come from afar to follow a star. Men of great wisdom bearing great gifts. Drawn by a single-hearted purpose, seeking a King to worship.

Led to Bethlehem by the star. Finding the Child they fell to their knees. Laying their gifts before the Babe, they gazed on the King of Kings.

Offer to Jesus all you have. Hold nothing back from your Savior. No gift is too small to give, when it’s given freely from the heart.

What do you have that you did not receive from God’s hand? What can you give that was not given you first? We are but earthen vessels holding the treasures of God.

So offer to Jesus all you have. Hold nothing back from your Savior. No gift is too small to give, when it’s given freely from the heart. When it’s given from your heart.

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