Groundhog Day (again) audio

Bill Murray in the 1993 film, Groundhog Day.

“In the Lord’s eyes, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day.”

2 Peter 3:8

COVID-19 has created a hardscrabble daily life for almost all of us.  And for many, those days have begun to blend together in a kind of monopoly of monotony.  Some have said it’s like having the same day over and over again, as in the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray.  In that story, the main character finds himself in a kind of time warp where he wakes up every morning on February 2 and has to live that day again and again until he gets it right.  In the process, he is changed from an egotistical self-serving boor to a kind and compassionate town hero. That’s not a bad analogy for living the Christian life. Each day is a chance to be transformed to more fully reflect the person of Christ.

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